You do not need go Seven-Eleven(7/11) with your invoice anymore…
Can see monthly usage
MEA(Smart Life) :IOS
MEA(Smart Life) :Andoroid
Change to English: Up Right
Mobile Number + Passport
4 digits code shall be sent
Finish after 4 digits code
Personal information
Add Meter
“QR code scan” or “CA/Ref No. + Installation No.”
Your information will be displyed
Bill payment by Creadit Card
Menu > Bill Payment
Payment Channels > Choose payment Channels
Other features
Monthly usage history
Look for MEA center
Power outage information
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Thailand Metroplitan Electric Authority "MEA Smart Life" Smart Phone Application
You can pay your monthly Electricity by Creadit Card and BluePay.The "MEA Smart Life", Metroppolitan Electric Authority Smart Phone applications are ready for you download.