A representative of a BMW dealership wears a face mask during the media day of the 41st Bangkok International Motor Show after the Thai government eased measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in Bangkok on Tuesday. (Reuters photo)


A representative of a BMW dealership wears a face mask during the media day of the 41st Bangkok International Motor Show after the Thai government eased measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in Bangkok on Tuesday. (Reuters photo)




▼#タイ 保健省(7月16日)
死者数は計58人(+0) 3095人が退院新規感染者は全員帰国者(エジプト、UAE、米国)
7月10日 +0人
7月11日 +14人
7月12日 +1人
7月13日 +3人
7月14日 +7人
7月15日 +5人
7月16日 +4人 pic.twitter.com/l3JXsAdIum— Makoto SASAKI (@SasakiFNN) July 16, 2020
The 41st International Bangkok Motor Show 2020
- Name of Events : The 41th Bangkok International Motor Show 2020
- Dates : 15 (Wed) – 26 July (Sun), 2020 (12 DAYS)
- Tickets : 100 Baht
- Venue : Challenger 1-3, Impact, Maung Thong Thani
記事引用先:Bangkok Post
A general view during the 41st Bangkok International Motor Show, after the Thai government eased measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease, in Bangkok on Wednesday. (Reuters photo)
Bangkok motor show finally underway
Bangkok’s twice-postponed annual auto show opened to the public on Wednesday in the country’s first large-scale event since coronavirus restrictions eased, with nearly all attendees wearing masks and face shields.
Motor shows around the world have been forced to cancel or delay due to the pandemic.
But Thailand has pressed ahead having gone nearly seven weeks without local transmission of the virus, which has infected just over 3,000 people, most of which have recovered.

