


Community pantries help virus-hit needy
記事引用先:Bangkok Post
A man selects items from a community pantry on Sukhumvit 71 Road in Bangkok on Saturday. (Photo by Wichan Charoenkiatpakul)
“Please feel free to take anything you need, and leave anything you can share.”
A sign like the one posted above a shelf unit outside a Toyota Sure showroom on Mittraphap Highway in Muang district of Khon Kaen can now be seen in several locations in the country, as people help one another make ends meet after the coronavirus has crippled the economy.In the community pantry in Khon Kaen are essential items like instant noodles, bottled water, eggs, canned fish and basic medicines.
A family adds items to a community pantry in Muang district of Khon Kaen on Sunday. (Photo by Chakkrapan Natanri)
The roadside cupboard in Khon Kean was set up on Saturday by Kulwadee Theswong, who also bought items to fill it up. Ms Kulwadee said she bought it from a furniture shop in the municipality and the owner gave her a discount of 400 baht from the price tag of 2,200 baht when she told him what it was for.
“I saw community pantries in other provinces and wanted to have one here in Khon Kaen,” she said.
A community pantry serves the needy in the Mittapharp community in Muang district of Nakhon Ratchasima. (Photo by Prasit Tangprasert)
“It really helps me and my family get something to eat during this difficult time,” Chet Sipromma, 65, an unemployed turner said as he was taking some items from the pantry in Khon Kaen. “I wish all donors prosperity and happiness,” he added.
Wiwet Chuchorhor, 64, spent some of her retirement funds on instant noodles, bags of rice, milk and water for the pantry in Nakhon Ratchasima on Sunday. “Sharing with those suffering is a way to make merit,” she said.
Wiwet Chuchorhorさん(64歳)は、日曜のナコンラチャシマのパン屋のインスタントヌードル、米の袋、牛乳、水に退職金の一部を費やしました。「苦しんでいる人々と共有することは、『タンブン』の1つです」と彼女は言った。


